Saturday, May 17, 2008

Week is done!

Yeah, it is Saturday! I am so excited that the week is done! It was very busy around here. Bubbas had many hours of therapy and my house is in some desperate need of attention. Never quite got to unpacking due to therapy. This weekend, however, it's on! Well, let's face it, this is me we are talking about, so...I will never fully be unpacked before we head off for our next adventure anyway so I will just get close before I say, "Yeah, that's good enough." :) and move onto the next thing.

We are pleased to announce that Bubbas has done something very cool this week. Very cool! At almost 20 months, he is able to go from laying down to sitting up!!!! This is great! We have been working on this for months going over and over with him how to do it. So proud of him! So now when I go and get him out of his crib, there he is, sitting up and looking at me! He has come back from his month and a half of a cold, sinus infection, stomach flu and pneumonia with a vengeance! Way to go buckaroo! He is about 3 pounds away from his pre-sick weight too. I will pat myself on the back for that one :). Having a love of butter and knowing how to cook with it sure does come in handy sometimes. Goodness, just think if I listened to all these healthy ways of cooking all these years, my poor son would just be a stick!

Bears has had a good week as well. We did some sprinkler time out on our postage stamp lawn and she had a blast! Then, had the proverbial popsicle after. That was so fun, maybe more so for me than her :). She has been an ornery one this week! I think it is the heat honestly. As Josh put it last night, there is an intelligence in her logic (not that she wasn't before, but just a new level) on arguments and talking back now. This girl is hard headed let me tell you. She keeps me on my toes. My brain is tired at night after trying to think of different ways to diffuse hard headedness :). I have given up on the potty training thing. I have tried about every trick in the book. She knows exactly how to do it, can do it and has before...but just doesn't want to do it. This is a control thing at this point for her. So, we are back to the pull-ups. However, with a little twist. Now when she pees in them I say, "Okay, change it yourself." Then when she poops in it I say, "Okay, let me finish up what I am doing and then I can change it." That task usually lasts about 5-10 minutes just to really make her squirm. As I am writing this I am thinking, this hard headed thing just comes out of nowhere :).

Making baby food is still going well. Bubbas is thoroughly enjoying this and gets very excited when he eats, well he always gets excited, but this is on a whole new level :). Here is a new recipe for ya all...

Baked Sweet Potatoes

· 4 Sweet Potatoes (Yams)
· Brown Sugar
· Cinnamon
· Butter, softened

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees
2. Wash potatoes, pierce with a fork and throw them in the oven uncovered for about 1 hour to 1 ½ hours depending on how big the potatoes are.
3. Take potatoes out of oven and let cool for a few minutes.
4. Slice potatoes in half, get the insides out and discard the peels.
5. Mash all the potatoes together with some butter and sprinkling of brown sugar and cinnamon. Just whatever looks good.
6. You can also chunk the potatoes and sprinkle with the good stuff and butter as well.

Off to bask in the weekendness...ahhh...



Bunny said...

You are truly Mom of the Year in my book! Instead of sitting down and grousing about your lot in life, you take it by the horns and make the most of it. My heart sings when I hear of the breakthroughs and I feel your frustration and fears. I so admire you Nim. You and the fam are in my prayers!

Mama Lil'ian said...

I love reading your blog. You are such an inspiration as a mom. Deb gave me your blog site, I'm her sis-in-law. I hope you don't mind. I think you are a fabulous person, and I admire your strength.

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