Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Yeah, it's hard. Very hard, especially after two children and not working those abs for a couple of years. My friend Jenn, Dorene and I went to the gym to actually take the cycle class, but they were filled up. So, we went to Pilates instead. Jenn had gone one time and Dorene and I were novices. Can I just say that we all laughed the entire time at the contortions our bodies were in! I mean, this instructor really made it look so easy...but not so much :)! It was hilarious. I am just glad there were no cameras in there filming us or mirrors in front to look at ourselves! Let's just say that I now know of muscles I never knew existed. I came home last night after class and plopped on the couch and I don't think got up again except for to eat some dinner and then to bed. I was that exhausted! Hopefully Jenn and Dorene felt the same way or else I am a wimp :). Did make it to cycle today, but had to leave 40 minutes into the workout because Bubbas pooped. Oh well :), the work of a mommy is never done...even at the gym! Actually, think they phrase it as the childcare worker interrupts your workout as, "I think so and so needs a diaper change". I feel like saying, "If you 'think' so, then can you come back when you 'know' so." :). I am such a brat! Anyway, the moral of the story is...Pilates, real good but real tough. Think if you are in shape and lean before you start this class (unlike, moi) then you could have a six pack tummy in a month!


1 comment:

Court said...

This post made me laugh!! I took a dance class the other night and had a similar experience. The class would turn and face one way and I would end up facing the opposite direction. It was a fun time but I was SO lost. I will have to give Pilates a go.:)

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