Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Oregonpalooza Day 7! (Last Day)

We woke up and headed off to the Trees of Mystery. These trees basically were Redwoods that did interesting things. It was pretty cool, but both Josh and I agreed it probably wasn't too noteworthy. They did have a cool gondola ride that took you up pretty high for some nice views, however. Here are a couple of pics from our journey there.

After that, we headed back to the trailer and got it all packed up and ready for our last leg of driving. We drove and drove, and as we got closer to home, it got uglier and uglier. Both Josh and I wondered, "What the heck are we living here for?" I think both of us would love to be most anywhere other than Sacramento but I guess that this is just where we will have to be for awhile. We got home around 10:30pm and were glad to be done driving. Bears was horribly sad we weren't camping anymore and Bubbas was ecstatic to be home.

So all in all, we had a wonderful time! Diesel costs killed our budget for the trip so we will have to be good for a little while (can you believe the prices now?) But, it was a well deserved vacation for all of us and can't wait until our next adventure!


1 comment:

Pink Petunia Designs said...

Your trip sounded like a blast. I am glad you guys had a great time. You deserve it. "Little Blue Dunebuggy, In The Sand......."

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